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迷俠(A Man Called Shenandoah)


joined: 2007-09-19
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1subject: 迷俠(A Man Called Shenandoah)Promote 2 Bookmark 02007-10-11quote  

迷俠A Man Called Shenandoah),這是一部很老的西部牛仔電視影集,我小時候可是準時收看的。現在好像很少西部牛仔片了。是由 Robert Horton 所主演,時間在 1965-1966。那個時候,電視在台灣還算是很新奇的東西,看洋片影集可說就如同現在的小孩玩電腦、電動一樣的普遍。

不過,這裡要談的是影集中的音樂:Shenandoah ,一首美國民謠,當時可說被這首歌給迷住了,歌詞:

    Oh Shenandoah,
    I long to hear you,
    Away you rolling river,
    Oh Shenandoah,
    I long to hear you,
    Away, I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Missouri.

    Oh Shenandoah,
    I love your daughter,
    Away you rolling river,
    I'll take her
    'cross your rollin' water,
    Away, I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Missouri.

    'Tis seven years
    since last I saw you.
    Away you rolling river,
    'Tis seven years
    since last I saw you.
    Away, I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Missouri.

    Oh Shenandoah,
    I love your daughter,
    Away you rolling river,
    Oh Shenandoah,
    I'll come to claim her.
    Away, I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Missouri.

    In all these years,
    Whene'er I saw her,
    We have kept
    Our love a secret,
    Oh! Shenandoah,
    I do adore her,
    Away, I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Missouri.

    Oh Shenandoah,
    She's bound to leave you.
    Away you rolling river,
    Oh Shenandoah,
    I'll not deceive you.
    Away, I'm bound away
    'Cross the wide Missouri.





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