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No One's Home -- Mai Yamane


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1subject: No One's Home -- Mai YamanePromote 0 Bookmark 02011-06-03quote  

作曲:菅野よう子(菅野洋子,Yoko Kanno)
作詞:Tim Jensen
歌:山根麻以(Mai Yamane)

No One's Home

Though it's all over
Sometimes I wonder still
"What you're doing now?"
Tears are all I ever get enough of here
Without you in my life
Without you in my life
Might be time to lose you
Just let it go
And walk away
Ain't no use in trying
'Cause you're too far away now
Empty rooms that I can't hold
Silence gets cold
No one's home
Nothing I can do
I had it all within my reach but now it's gone
There's no smile in my life
There's no you here to love me


ps. 這是黑之契約者動畫第一季第二話後段的一個插曲,很不錯。感謝 BESKUR 從動畫片段中找出這首歌的原曲。

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